Provide complete, objective, up-to-date information on all legal entities in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and other parts of the world.
Know Your Counterparties and Partners
KYC Report
Know Your Counterparty report. Present a full range of basic business information on business registration, historical background, holding companies, shareholders, etc.
Credit Report
On the basis of the KYC report, present detailed key information of legal representitive, financial info, business and global trade activities, lawsuits and related risks.
Service Capability
Build a multi-dimensional monitoring info-system to help companies better identify the legal compliance of customers and partners.
Risk Management
Investigate and assess your counterparties' background, risks, and creditworthiness; Help make confident decisions to avoid potential risks.
Due Dilligence
Multi-dimensional data of enterprise credit, including business information, judicial proceedings, business status, business risks, news and public opinion, financial data, etc.
Insights & Analytics
Insights into the unknown from known-info based on corporate affiliation & connections, percentage of investment holding, and composition of capital.
200+million Companies
2.1+billion Trade Records
CredibleData Sources
ConstructedReport Forms
Countries & Regions supported by report service
Hongkong, China
Taiwan, China
Data SourcesWe only use official data from government agencies to ensure the relevance, timeliness and accuracy of the information provided.